MLB: Doing it different
Major League Baseball, an American sporting institution, wanted to grow a new, young audience in the UK. However, a large number of English fans discounted the sport as it is seen to be so mentally intertwined with US culture.
In order to grow the audience we needed to recontextualise baseball around local UK culture - leveraging and accelerating its points of relevance for our new wave fan.
We invented a creative platform, We Do It Different, which clearly stated our intentions and became a launchpad for a series of attention-grabbing, perception-changing campaign moments accessing a breadth of cultural touch points including, fashion, food, comedy and music.
From creating ballpark bites and bitesize content to launch the World Series with Patty&Bun and Chabuddy G, to underlining baseball's role in street culture with The Basement
We created a new visual look and feel for the brand around each activation and produced a range of digital-first content to engage audiences and promote events.
ROLE: Creative Strategy, Creative Direction